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Tanieka Harris

DIY Art/Decor Around Our Home

When it comes to DIY, I don't want it to actually look like I 'did it myself'. With any DIY I attempt, the goal is to make it look like the real deal. I want people to first assume something I've DIY'd was professionally done. That's the ultimate compliment to a non-professional like myself.

Art is one thing I have not shied away from DIY'ing. I truly believe art is such a subjective category that can take on many different forms. In my opinion, art is in the eye of the beholder, and there is no right or wrong way to create something with your own two hands.

Having this mindset has led me to creating some of my most coveted and complimented pieces of art that I have in my home:

Boro Tapestry

Textile art never ceases to impress me. I became enthralled by Japanese Boro textile artwork back in 2019. I tried my best to replicate the amazing work using a no-sew method of denim jeans and miscellaneous textiles. (I'd been hoarding them for over a year!) The DIY result was good, but I'd love to one day own a vintage version of the real thing.

Mixed Media Art

In 2020 I thrifted a pair of mass produced art pieces. I loved the size and faux bamboo frame and knew with a little DIY (highlight here), they could be really cool. I used a number of random materials and paints that I had on hand to create a mixed media of sorts within the frame. I was super proud of how this DIY came out and 3 years later, it's proudly taking up wall space in our living room next to the DIY Boro tapestry.

Old World Pottery

Art is not subjected to what is within a frame or canvas. Pottery certainly falls within the category or art. Now, never have I ever thrown an inch of pottery in my entire life. But I certainly have DIY'd a pre-made vase to look like an antique found pot.

I thrifted these vases for their size and shape, knowing I'd do the infamous "dirt hack" that took the internet by storm in 2020. I essentially painted a few coats of black on the vase, then brushed on literal mud all over. Once dry, I used a paper towel to "edit" the placement of the dried mud, until I was happy with the end result.

Framed Kids Art

If you're in a pickle about what to hang on a wall, look to the tiny humans you've created. They are unbelievably innovative artists.

I was shocked when my 7 year old casually pulled this art piece from his school folder. He explained it as a watercolor of "people and patterns". My art loving eyes instantly recognized it as an African Mudcloth inspired watercolor and graphite. I wasted no time popping it into a frame. Proud mama moment here.

Framed Photography Photography is the first art medium I fell in love with. A brief moment captured to live on as a tangible memory. Naturally it's one of my favorite ways to incorporate an artistic moment in our home.

As is often the case, I was the artistic director, stylist, makeup artist, photographer and editor of these final shots. If that's not DIY, then I'm not entirely sure what is! I only recently mustered up the courage to get one of my works professionally framed (above). I'm currently sourcing framing options for more, but I know the result will be nothing short of beautiful. Get your cameras out and create some art!

A candid of my younger brother from a shoot I did 3 years ago at the lake.

I try to support artists when I can, and love discovering up and coming artisans.

At the same time, I also advocate strongly for buying art secondhand. (It's something about finding an old piece of art dated well before I was even born that's such a treat to me.)

But art is often living right among you, waiting for it's moment. Sometimes you just need to try your hand at creating something for, and by yourself. The result it almost always rewarding.

What kinds of DIY artwork take up space in your home?


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